“In a world of disconcerting change, when large and complex forces threaten familiar and comfortable guideposts, the natural impulse is to grab hold of the tree trunk that seems to have the deepest roots and hold on for dear life and never question the possibility that it’s not going to be the source of your salvation.”Al Gore New Yorker September 2004
It's funny how society needs to label things.
Is it comforting?
Does it transfer a sense of power?
Does it feed the ego?
I'd say yes to all of the above.
How many environmentalists out there have been labelled a "Tree Hugger"?
We have all been there when at a dinner party you let your guard down and confess to feel something for the planet. Is it the pelican that is being covered by BP's oil? Is it the rainforest that's being cut down to grow soya beans?
As quickly as your concern is verbalised, given a reality outside of the safety of your soul, bang! Some clever person needs to feel secure, needs to take the upper hand and label, "Tree Hugger".
I am inspired by the Al Gore quote mentioned above. I have a Tree Hugger sticker on my guitar case! But maybe it's better to let go of what we know. Maybe it's better to show our love for the planet by disconnecting from our old ways?
That's why I love quantum theory. It gives you the permission to delve into the realm of infinite possibility. Mix a bit of Chaos theory and quantum theory and you get a whole new sha-bang-a-bang of creativity. If the old ways of commerce, politicking, making stuff, and living are causing so much grief, pain and poison around the world, would it not be better to let go of the tree, let go of those Deep rooted 'Same old, same olds', and try something new, think something new, be something new, create something new?
Just a thought!
Quote Link:
Al Gore lives on a street in Nashville.
by David Remnick
Read more from the quoted article: http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2004/09/13/040913fa_fact?currentPage=all#ixzz0uT98GQyj
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